2002 Programme

2002 Programme

24 Nov 2002 Illustrated Talk ‘St Ann’s Head Lighthouse’

Visiting speaker Peter Williams
Book/History Group Open Meeting, Coronation Hall, Dale
Picture shows the round tower of St Ann’s Chapel and Elizabethan Lighthouse

8 Oct 2002 ‘Tracing Your Family History’

Illustrated talk by visiting speaker Anita Thomas, Librarian, Haverfordwest Library
Book/History Group Open Meeting, Coronation Hall, Dale

8 Sept 2002 Exhibition of some of the Group’s material

Manned by Margaret Copley and Valerie Davies,
Dale WI Book Group , at the Annual Dyfed Family History Fair, Carmarthen

World War One
Field Kitchen in Dale Meadow

30 July 2002 Talk ‘In Defence of The Haven’

With Roger Thomas, writer and military historian
Book/History Group Open Meeting, St James’ Church, Dale – followed by

31 July 2002 A Guided Visit around the Gun Emplacements at West Blockhouse Fort

Brought to life by Roger Thomas, L/Bdr Artificer CWT Gough servicing 9.2″ gun at West Blockhouse Fort

2 April 2002 ‘The Early Days : RAF Dale and Talbenny’

An illustrated Talk by Malcolm Cullen, Ranger, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
Book/History Group Open Meeting, Coronation Hall, Dale

21 Mar 2002 Launch of book of ‘Case Studies : WI Pathway Project’

[including case study submitted by the Dale WI Book Group] attended by Jean Thomas at the National Botantic Gardens, Wales

20 Mar 2002 Illustrated Talk

Given by Margaret Copley and Valerie Davies, Dale WI Book Group, to the ladies of Hebrandston WI

29 Jan 2002 ‘Bygone Days : Farmers, Fishermen and Island Folk’

Illustrated talk given by David Saunders
Book/History Group Open Meeting, Coronation Hall, Dale